One Hundred Thirteen. Post Secret.

July 23, 2011 § Leave a comment

I love the website Post Secret. My friend Stephanie introduced me to the weekly blog, and I check it every Sunday. People from all over the world create art on a postcard disclosing some secret or thought or exclamation and Frank Warren, the creator and moderator of the blog, chooses several to post each week. I even have a couple of the books, which are alternately inspirational, depressing, and amusing to flip through.

On Day One Hundred Thirteen, I made my own post-cards for the first time, and sent them in to 13345 Copper Ridge Rd Germantown, Maryland 20874. Dropping the post-card into a mailbox is actually very therapeutic in itself, like a weight is being lifted off your chest. I guess that depends on the secret you are telling in some part. I can’t even begin to imagine how it would feel to check the site or flip through a book and find the words you had written confronting you. Hopefully I’ll find out.

Of course, the whole point of the website in that the secrets are anonymous, so I’m not going to post any pictures of mine. But here’s a recent funny one.

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